Since 15 February 2024, our second XR OPEN CALL within the HERA project funding is online!
We are looking for a strong artistic concept in connection with augmented, mixed and/or virtual reality. Thematically, we are eager to hear your ideas and topics!
This is amazing! Our preceding project XR_Unites (2020-23), which was also funded by the ERDF, was included in the “Fourth State Report on the Implementation of the UNESCO Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in and by Germany”.
Happy to announce that the augmented reality artist’s book »Señor Pulpo« —developed by Christina Sarli and the HTW developer André Selmanagić in 2020/21 in the AURORA production lab—has been selected as one of 7 projects (of 90) at the “Digital Literature” section of this year’s BuchBasel on 17–19 November 2023!
On 31.03.23 at 12 pm Prof. Jürgen Sieck and Maja Stark invite to an info event. For one hour, participants will have the opportunity to talk to the project management about the new ERDF project HERA and its AURORA XR School for Artists, the new course offerings and the current XR OPEN CALL, as well as to ask their questions.
Since 03 March 2023, our first Open Call during the HERA project funding is online.
We are looking for a strong artistic concept in connection with augmented, mixed and/or virtual reality. Thematically, we are eager to hear your ideas and topics!
Good news: Our application on a new project grand was approved!
»HERA – Handlungs- und Lernräume für Extended Reality Angebote mit der freien Kulturszene« is funded from 2023 to 2025 by the ERDF in the program »Stärkung des Innovationspotenzials in der Kultur III« (INP-III) gefördert und führt die beliebte AURORA School for Artists weiter – jetzt neu als AURORA School for XR Artists, mit Kursen zu allen XR-Technologien, auch für Fortgeschrittene, Open Calls und XR Art & Networking Events.
Also worth mentioning: The AURORA ARchive, released in March 2022, now presents 118 international AR art and culture projects – and of course, it includes all projects from the AURORA Production Lab.
After being invited—together with AURORA alumna Christina Sarli and her AR comic Señor Pulpo—to the Insta-Video podcast Kreative Pause of the Berlin comic store Grober Unfug on 06.02.22, there was a nice AURORA workshop on “Comics & Augmented Reality” with 13 participating artists on 10.03.22 – due to corona still via ZOOM.
Topics: • Creative input and comparison of sample comics and related media • Input on digital media production • Technological basics around AR • AURORA alumna Christina Sarli answers questions about workflow and storytelling in Señor Pulpo • Platform to discuss your own ideas and their technical feasibility with each other and with AR specialists.
Thanks a lot to Christina Sarli and the great artists for their highly motivated participation!
23.10.2021, 10 am – 2 pm 28.10.21, 10 am – 2 pm 29.10.21, 10 am – 4 pm
This workshop is for anyone interested in technology and art, and in the way these interact in formats that combine both. No previous knowledge is necessary. Each session builds on the last. We therefore recommend that you attend all of them. Participation is free of charge.
To register for the workshop, please send an email to with a short description about your interest in the workshop.
03.–30 September 2021 Atrium and Media Theater of Humboldt-Universität’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Georgenstr. 47, 10117 Berlin
An interactive exhibition by the INKA research group at the HTW – University of Applied Sciences Berlin in cooperation with the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin’s Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity. Image Space Material« and Media Theater. Final exhibition of the EU-funded INKA project AURORA School for ARtists.
Many artists today no longer work solely with physical materials such as paint and paper or wood and stone—instead, artworks, like design processes and cultural productions, pass through various states of analog and digital materiality.
Augmented and mixed reality enable the combination of physical and programmed realities. In virtual reality, the result is usually an experience that hides the analog environment—how can we still speak of materiality in this context?
»Extended Reality – Code and Materiality in Art and Culture« illuminates various aspects of materiality through selected works from design, art, literature, music, performance and science that have been created in interdisciplinary engagement with extended reality technologies.