Please send us an email to for a binding registration:

Module 1: XR Tutorials Digital (beginner) – 14.05.-28.06.2024 – Independent development of the basics with our video tutorials, networking and exchange with other participants via our Moodle platform. Including 2 general online FAQ meetings and a kick-off meeting in presence on 14.05., 14-17 h, HTW Berlin, Wilhelminenhof-Campus, Building H, Room 107, Berlin-Oberschöneweide.

Please include your name, your artistic/cultural activity, your home and work address, and a link to your website and/or portfolio in the email.

Please note that registration is currently only possible for this course. The registration and exact dates for Module 2 (September 24) and the next Maker Space (March 24) will follow at a later date

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By registering, you agree that your data will be used to process your request. Information and revocation notices can be found in the privacy policy.