The annual event by AURORA XR School for Artists, HTW Berlin

*** BOOKED OUT ***
The fifth XR Art & Networking Event will take place on June 26, 2024, from 1 to 6 pm at HTW Berlin. As every year, it will feature inspiring short talks, a coffee truck right by the Spree River, artistic XR projects, and plenty of time for conversations!
Talks will be held in English.
The focus lies on three topics and we are very pleased that we could win excellent speakers for two of them:
ARTISTIC RESEARCH – In this context, Dr. Marlene Bart will give a talk. She will also present her VR work »Theatrum Radix« as part of her artistic research.
ANALOG HAPTICS – The haptic sense has so far been little integrated into XR experiences. Based on initial ideas, we would like to reflect with you on the possibilities of integrating haptic perception in mixed reality.
AUTONOMOUS AVATARS – Interactions with avatars start with verbal communication, but is there more to it? AI researchers Xenia Klinge and Dr. Tanja Schneeberger from DFKI will share their thoughts on this topic.
The program also includes a workshop titled »Autonomous Avatars in XR Art & Culture« with Xenia Klinge and Dr. Tanja Schneeberger, featuring discussion and brainstorming in the context of the latest research on artificial intelligence – and a a workshop on »Analogue Haptics« with the artists Nadine Kolodziey and Jens Isensee focusing mixed and augmented reality.
More info on the framework program and our speakers.
The event is fully booked.
12:45 | Arrival, Registration, Coffee |
13:15 | Welcome and Introduction Prof. Johann Habakuk Israel and Maja Stark |
13:30 | The Artist’s Book as a Multimedia Encyclopaedia – Artistic Research Meets Virtual Reality Dr. Marlene Bart |
14:00 | From Believable Characters to Socially Interactive Agents Xenia Klinge and Dr. Tanja Schneeberger, DFKI |
14:30 | Project HERA, XR Open Call and new fellow Jens Isensee |
14:45 | Introduction of the framework program with pitches |
15:15 | Framework program: WORKSHOPS: 1-hour workshop »Autonomous Avatars in XR Art & Culture« Discussion and brainstorming with Xenia Klinge und Dr. Tanja Schneeberger, DFKI Berlin (15:30–16:30, hall H001) 45-min. workshop »Analog Haptics« Discussion and brainstorming with Nadine Kolodziey, Jens Isensee, and Sebastian Keppler from HTW Berlin (16:30–17:15, hall G007/008) INFO BOOTHS AND ARTISTIC EXPERIENCES (hall G007/008): »from hostile to hospitable«, 2024, WebAR experience Martin Binder in collab. with AURORA XR School for Artists »Theatrum Radix«, 2023, VR experience Dr. Marlene Bart »Netsuke 2.0 – Phygitale Skulpturen«, 2024, AR experience Nadine Kolodziey »VR sketching« (wt), interactive VR showcase PhD Paulina Stefanovic, HTW Berlin »zeitrissig – A virtual reality collage«, 2023, VR experience with papmaché objects Henning Marxen and Samuel Freimoser, School of Culture and Design, HTW Berlin (supervisor: Prof. Pablo Dornhege) »n≠1«, 2023, VR experience in combination with ChatGPT Chantal Pisarzowski, School of Culture and Design, HTW Berlin (supervisors: Prof. Pablo Dornhege & Prof. Andreas Ingerl) Coffee mobile by muka |