>> For Zoom Link to Info Event on 31.03. please scroll down

The 2023 XR Open Call is open to individuals and teams in Berlin from the artistic fields of visual arts, music, literature, performing arts, design, photography, and video art.
We are looking for a strong artistic concept in combination with augmented, mixed and/or virtual reality. Thematically, we are eager to hear your ideas and topics – e.g., we see potential in the areas of:
- Reflection of social challenges (activism)
- Experimental interfaces between physical and virtual space
- Interactive 3D sound/music
- Interventions in public space
- Audience as creators / cocreation
- Shared cultural experience
For each Open Call, our expert jury will select one concept to be implemented during a fellowship of several months at HTW Berlin – for the timing, see the schedule below.
The Fellowship includes:
- Support in fine-tuning the concept for subsequent development.
- Insight and experience in agile XR development methods
- Close collaboration with our interdisciplinary XR expert team from XR development, digital media production and cultural studies
- Premises at the Research Center for Culture and Computer Science of HTW Berlin
- State-of-the-art equipment (hardware/software)
- XR Art & Networking 2024 as a public platform for presentation of the XR project after completion of the collaboration.
- Basic knowledge in XR technologies
- Openness for interdisciplinary collaboration
- Commitment to continuous regular meetings during XR development (approx. 1x per week except Aug./Sept.) and independent work phases
- Desirable: experience in interdisciplinary cultural projects
Application documents should include the following files:
- A letter of motivation of approx. 2,000 characters (incl. blanks).
- The concept of approx. 6,000 characters (incl. spaces) with at least one visualization (e.g. sketch, model)
- Outline of required work packages and responsibilities of approx. 1,500 characters (incl. blanks)
- Short CV(s) with text of max. 500 characters each
- For each team member a portfolio of previous relevant work
Application is possible in German or English.
Further information about the application
- Applications will only be accepted by email to xr-open-call@htw-berlin.de.
- The deadline for applications is 11 p.m. on 15.04.2013.
- The decision will be made at the end of April 2023 and the selected team will be notified by email.
- Save-the-Date: The annual Open Call and the XR project selected in 2023 will be presented at the XR Art & Networking #4 on 28.06.23 at HTW Berlin (Wilhelminenhof Campus).
May – July 23 | Commun concept phase Definition of required digital content Fixing of the schedule Start of XR development |
Aug – Sept 23 | Independent work Collaborative agile development, user testing, optimization and generalization |
Oct 23 – Jan 24 | Kollaboratives agiles Development, User Tests, Optimierung und Generalisierung |
June 24 | resentation at XR Art & Networking |

When: Friday, 31.03.23, 12 pm -1 pm
Where: Building H, Room 107, Wilhelminenhof Campus, HTW Berlin + viaZOOM
Registration: Please until 31.03. at 11.15 pm via mail to maja.stark@htw-berlin.de
Meeting-ID: 929 2620 1383
Kenncode: 663841
Context of this OPEN CALL:
At HTW Berlin, the EU is funding a new project at the intersection of innovative XR technologies, independent cultural scene, cultural and creative industries in Berlin!
»HERA – Handlungs- und Lernräume für Extended Reality Angebote mit der freien Kulturszene« (Action and Learning Spaces for Extended Reality concepts with the independent cultural scene) will be funded 2023-2025 by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the program »Strengthening Innovation Potential in Culture III« (INP-III). Within the framework of HERA, the popular AURORA School will also be continued, but with an expanded focus on Extended Reality for artists with and without previous knowledge and thus as AURORA XR School for Artists.
In addition to free XR training and XR Art & Networking events, HERA offers an annual Open Call starting in 2023! 🙂