Lehrsprüche der Bauernschlauen (Maxims of the Cunning)
Cycle of poetry expanded by interactive AR dioramas
Supporting developers: Leonid Barsht and Dagmar Schürrer
»du kreatur, sagte sie, ich lade dich ein
einladungen schlage ich nie aus. so beginnt jede geschichte« (K.S. Ditzler)
Lehrsprüche der Bauernschlauen are an invitation to 12 fantastic poems by Russian-German interdisciplinary artist and writer Katia Sophia Ditzler. Her powerful poetry seems to resonate from a surreal, whimsical world in the best sense of the word, and is ideal for visualization. In augmented reality, Ditzler has designed an interactive diorama with sound for each poem, which wonderfully matches her poetry in style, but does not interpret it directly. Instead, it provides it a world invisible to the naked eye in which the poems perfectly unfold.