DIGITAL MEDIA PRODUCTION WITH BLENDER – 3D modelling and animation for extended reality
In addition to a good application and interaction concept, an XR application stands and falls with its media content! Depending on XR projects, this content can be very different, but it usually consists of digital animations, short video clips or 3D models.
After having focused on the basics in our XR tutorials and the first workshop, this training will help you to produce digital 3D models with Blender and to use them for your XR application later.
You will get known to the user interface of the open source program, model your first objects, apply materials and textures to them and get an introduction to basic animation techniques.
You will prepare one of your 3D models for the export from Blender and import it to Unity.
This training requires previous knowledge from our XR tutorials. It is part of XR Basics, which can be booked as a block of four courses. Prerequisite is an application with a small XR project (Unity project or .apk). Alternatively, you can set yourself on the waiting list without Unity projec
Language: German (questions and discussions in English are welcome)
Detailed program: